Saturday, July 9, 2011

Casey Anthony & BPD?

I haven't posted anything on this blog for a long time. Of course things remain the same with my sister choosing to deny the issues and problems and my mom tries somewhat to learn and has attempted to use some of the information she has found to help in talking with her. Basically, my sister has stayed away in order to not have the conversation promised to her once she came home. The discussion that involves the reality of her selfish misdeeds.

But aside from that the reason I have chosen to write now is that in watching the Casey Anthony case, well I should clarify; watching the filtered perception the media has presented about the case it came to me that her behavior is not really all that unusual for someone who suffers from BPD. I wonder if anyone else had that thought. Now, I'm not saying she has BPD because I have no idea, but I will say that the family has some dysfunction that they themselves do not deny.

If what Casey claimed to have happened to her at the hands of her brother and father, her reaction of disassociation and partying is not an unusual behavior for someone with a mental illness like BPD. The lies are also not unusual at all, even when they involved her own child. Nothing about the case is unfounded or strange at all if you look at from the standpoint that there really could be a mental illness that is hard to detect much less understand.

I am not at all saying this is an excuse for her poor behavior, nor am I saying she killed her child. Le's be clear here. I have more faith in a 12 person jury who sat through the entire trial, deciphered 26 pages of instruction and came to a conclusion, than I do the filtered perception of any one individual or media report (some of which were later found to be untrue). What I am trying to point out is that her behavior albeit immoral really isn't as unusual as the press has tried to make people believe.

Maybe she does have a mental illness and maybe it did come from a childhood trauma. One may never know the real truth, but it sure seems that something is certainly "off" with the entire story.

What are your thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. Jerry,

    I could really use some advice from a man who has recognized he has BPD. I am in love with a man that I've been in a rollercoaster relationship for nearly a year, who I am quite sure has BPD but is in extreme denial anything is wrong on his end. When I read about your childhood it is so similar to his.
    I'd rather not go in detail on a post, could you please email me at ?

    Best Regards,
