Sunday, December 6, 2009

BPD Memoir

I set aside the book in the previous post and fully tackled "Get me out of here; my recovery from Borderline Personality Disorder" by Rachel Reiland. (Click to view description)

Her writing style and honestly gives you an inside look at her struggle with a mental illness. She reveals just what is going on in her mind during the many defensive episodes such as splitting, black and white thinking and projection. She explains her trials and tribulations in and out of the hospital, and intensive therapy with an amazing psychiatrist that takes her through four years.

This book is great for non-BP's to get a better sense of one person's internal struggle, but it's also great for the BP to willingly read to understand that they are not alone and are not a lost cause. Recovery from BP is possible, but like any recovery it takes intense honesty, rigirous work and a strong commintment to healing.

The book also has a great section of resources in the back for Bp's and non-BP's.

Now, back to Stop Walking on Eggshells....

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